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Loescher Editore is an important Italian publisher since 1861 and is specialized in educational and school publications, dictionaries, Italian as a foreign language. Loescher Editore has an organic and exhaustive catalogue in many secondary and high school disciplinary fields. In the Italian panorama, Loescher publications are trademarks of a successful marriage between the experience of a publishing house with great tradition and the use of new technologies.

Foreign rights

Our catalogue offers a wide range of titles in all subjects aimed at students between 10 and 19 years of age.
Our products include:

Language courses and supplementary materials for English, German, French and Spanish
Language courses and supplementary materials for Italian as Foreign Language
Courses and supplementary materials in all school subjects
If you are interested in obtaining information about the rights of any of our titles, please contact:

Video marketplace

After launching its EDUCATIONAL VIDEO PLATFORM for schools, the publisher inaugurates a wide-ranging edited video and footage archive that enables editors, education professionals, media and advertising agencies to choose the copyright agreement that best fits their needs:

Frankfurt Bookfair 2024

We would be pleased to send you digital sample copies of our titles and to discuss your interest in licensing our materials at the Frankfurt Bookfair 2024. 

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